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A member registered Apr 04, 2022

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I saw the news on Pixiv, but this is way faster than I expected! Great stuff, wombat.

Happy new year, cheers to more content! I had a question, where can I get the elf ears required to complete Yennay's Oathbreaker

Ok, thanks!

Thank you very much. Is there any way to transfer my safe file from the last free version to this one, or at least start from that point onward?


Yeah, but they all ended up saying the same thing regardless, unless it was changed.

Doesn't it force you to obey??

I mean, it's not technically NTR, but I meant the part where we go back to investigate the house and we see him with the sisters. If I can avoid that by being friends with him, better, but I thought that was meant to be unavoidable.


Loved the game, played until the monster girl first appears, then left it for a while because of the forced NTR. Do we have an option to do something about the mind-controlling fat-guy (no offense to anybody who is fat, except the character)? If not, somebody who plays the updates please tell me, would really appreciate it.